Valle San Floriano

This demonstration site is part of the Salvere Project. Valle San Floriano is a small village 5 km far from Marostica (province of Vicenza, North-eastern Italy). It is located  in the pre-alpine hills, at an altitude of 160 m a.s.l.

Map of the demonstration site.Aerial photograph of the demonstration site before the landslide (2008).


In November 2008 an earth Landslide occurred in this area at the site of a road, creating a bare raw soil surface of about 700 m2 (slope 38%). After the application of marble blocks in the lower part of the slope, 2 meters distant little terraces were digged out by hand using pickaxes. The propagation material applied was obtained from a High Nature Value Farmland close to this area. Seed rich dry hay, collected in an Arrhenatherion species rich meadow, was used. In September 2009 the material was applied by hand and fixed to the soil with a plastic net and wood pickets to provide the topsoil erosion control.  Dry hay utilized: 460 kg, 0,66 kg/m2.
Donor site species:




Anthoxanthum odoratum

Lathyrus pratensis

Achillea millefolium

Plantago major

Arrhenatherum elatius

Lotus corniculatus

Bellis perennis

Ranunculus bulbosus

Brachypodium  pinnatum

Medicago lupulina

Carex contigua

Rhinanthus freynii

Bromus erectus

Trifolium campestre

Centaurea nigrescens

Rumex acetosa

Dactylis glomerata

Trifolium pratense

Colchicum autumnale

Salvia pratensis

Festuca pratensis

Trifolium repens

Convolvulus arvensis

Sanguisorba minor

Festuca rupicola

Vicia sativa

Crepis biennis

Silene sp.

Lolium perenne


Galium mollugo

Stellaria sp.

Poa pratensis


Geranium dissectum

Taraxacum officinale

Trisetum flavescens


Leucanthemum vulgare

Tragopogon pratensis



Myosotis sylvatica

Urtica dioica



Plantago lanceolata

Veronica chamaedrys

The demonstration site before re-vegetation (09.09.2009)Application of the material (18.09.2009)

The demonstration site after re-vegetation (18.09.2009)The demonstration site after 2 months (30.10.2009)