Wörschach Bog

Wörschach is 5 km south-west of Liezen at an altitude of 640 m, at the Natura 2000 site “Wörschacher
Moos” und “Ennsnahe Bereiche”. The Enns valley is an area with a high ecological value: The River and its back water, the flood plains with its forests, the extensive used fresh meadows, the complex of bogs and fens, hedges make up a diverse landscape. The area is with its origin and management deeply connected with the river and the periodical flooding. The ground water fluctuations influenced by the Enns River are the main cause for the dynamics and thus the existence of this landscape. A highly complex equilibrium of natural conditions and cultural man made influences by the traditional land use of mowing and as litter meadows, a high diversity both of plants and animals has developed. After implementation of the demonstration site with of site threshed material (ca. 3.5 g/m²) in November 2006 a cleaning cut in June 2007 was necessary to control the unwanted weeds. The reason for the late restoration in the winter was because Iris sibirica needs frost to germinate. 9 Monitoring fields in a size of 6x6 m were implemented to do the vegetations analysis.

Variant S1 - Molinia caerulea rich litter meadow

  • Seed application rate: 2.5 g/m²
  • Application technique: sown by seeder
  • Monitoring plot: 1 – 4 (36m² per plot)

Variant S 2 – Litter meadow with tall sedges

  • Seed application rate: 2.0 g/m²
  • Application technique: sown by seeder
  • Monitoring plot: 5 – 8 (36m² per plot)

Variant S 3 - Iris sibirica rich litter meadow

  • Seed application rate: 3.5 g/m²
  • Application technique: sown by seeder
  • Monitoring plot: 9 (36m² per plot)




Map of the Demonstrations site Weißenbach

June 2007June 2008June 2009

July 2010August 2011