It is the aim of the project to put improved principles and methods on the use of semi-natural grassland as a source of biodiversity improvement into practise to guarantee ecological and sustainable restoration. To reach this goal, big efforts are laid into a widespread dissemination of know how, which is the most important part regarding the topic of the project SALVERE, not investments or patents. The conferences will be aimed mainly at policymakers, local authorities, technicians and public.
After project completion, the dissemination of the results will be mainly happen through the publication of the Guidelines, which will be available in printed and in electronic versions and which will be delivered to all participants to the field visits, workshops and conferences.
During the project implementation, local and regional dissemination of the results will be done through:
- field days on the established HNV areas to which technicians and farmers will be invited;
- workshops where mainly regional technicians and decision makers will be invited;
- the media through press releases, articles and interviews
- Website, Newsletter, Folder
- Proposal of an European certificate for HNVF native plant material
- Guidelines for seed production and harvesting of HNVF
- Handbooks in the project partners language
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